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The activity of reading conveys a manifold of facets and meanings. The goals similarly span a spectrum from pastime pleasure, over information harvest, to knowledge gain.


Reading from a coffee cup, the lines in the palm of a hand, traces on the ground, even other peoples' minds are out of scope.

We focus on reading written languages (and not even reading between the lines).


Printed language is read in sync with the medium that provides the characters and symbols.


Reading language on a screen provides a physical window into the virtual world of the words.


Blindtext is hard to write, isn't it?

Imagine some example text in a fixed font (like a programming language example):

import first.first as first

answer = first(number for number in (42, -1, 101))
if answer == 42:
    print('All clear.')


In this section we visited the reading activities separated by the provisioning medium and shortly prepared a deeper analysis of the goals.

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